
《犯罪心理 第十季》經典語錄

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Our moral responsibility is not to stop the future, but to shape it. To channel our destiny in humane directions and to ease the trauma of transition.我們的道德責任,不是阻止未來,而是塑造未來,把我們的命運引向慈愛,並減輕轉變過程中的苦痛創傷。

《犯罪心理 第十季》經典語錄

There is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which rightly understood, is solitude made perfect.世上有一種情誼,比起幽居獨處,更能保持心神的寧靜,倘能正確領會,便可昇華孤淡的心境,使之臻於完美。

It doesn’t take a lot of strength to hang on, it takes a lot strength to let go.放手比堅持需要更大的氣力。

The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract positive thinking.對我而言,幻想的天賦比才能和知識的習得更爲重要。

Your memory is a monster; it summons with will of its own. You think you have a memory, but it has you.記憶是頭怪獸,它想來就來,想走就走。你以爲是你控制着記憶,其實,是它*控着你。

There is hardly anyone whose sexual life if it were broadcast would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.若將每個人的*生活公開,你會發現所有人皆不相同,且往往讓人嘖嘖稱奇。

Getting rid of a delusion make us wiser than getting hold of the truth.擺脫幻覺比掌握真相更讓人睿智。

If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one.漫天奇光異*,有如聖靈逞威,唯有千陽才能與其爭輝。

What's the matter, you dissentious rogues, that rubbing the poor itch of your opinion make yourself scabs?怎麼了,你們這幫吵吵嚷嚷的亂民,在你們愚見的膿包上撓個不停,是要變成瘡痂嗎?

I remained too much inside my head, and ended up losing my mind.我太醉心於自己的思想,最後卻迷失在那些意識裏。

Naivete in grownups is often charming, but when coupled with vanity, it is indistinguishable from stupidity.天真與成熟交織,往往魅力十足,然而天真摻雜虛榮,便與愚蠢無異。

Death is the only God who comes when you call.死神是唯一一位隨叫隨到的神。
