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Marconi Space and Defence Systems Limited

From Marconi to Modules: New Wireless Communications Technology Depends on Advanced Component Integration

The Marconi Company during the 1920s was one of the most exciting places in the world for a scientist to work.

Marconi continued to improve his system. In 1905, when he was only thirty-one years old, he sent a signal from England to the United States-a distance of 3,000 miles.

Guglielmo Marconi proved them wrong.

Police Chief Tony Marconi of 17th Street Precinct explained,

As the weather was growing rapidly worse, Marconi decided to concentrate upon trying to receive a signal from Cornwall.

Seven years later a young Italian named Guglielmo Marconi reads a journal article by Hertz while vacationing in the Alps and abruptly rushes home with a vision of a wireless telegraph in his head.

the invention of radio by Marconi

We owe it to Marconi and Bell to be able to talk to people far away today.

The Cox Report also claims that the American company Matra Marconi Space produced the control processor on the Dongfanghong-III Satellite, developed independently by the Chinese Academy of Space Technology.

First Marconi sent the Morse code letter s a distance of 300 feet.

British Aerospace and Marconi Electronic Systems merge to form BAE Systems, Europe's largest defence contractor and the fourth largest aerospace firm in the world.

Design and implementation of NMS protocol converter of Marconi SDH transmission network


First transatlantic radio by Guglielmo Marconi.

金先生於1976年在Marconi擔任會計實習生,從而開始了他的事業,這是Arnold Weinstock建立的英國最大的工業聯合企業GEC的*防電子子公司。

The Achievement of GPS data-Acquisition Software Based on Marconi

Though Marconi was naturally delighted with this development, it was clearly only a beginning; he must now try to make his sparks do something useful.

The following January the elaborate new plant was installed, and then Marconi, with his usual careful attention to detail, spent several months testing it and suggesting improvements.