

書籍語錄 閱讀(1.6W)
  克勞斯(約瑟夫·摩根 Joseph Morgan 飾)的體內流動着始祖吸血鬼和狼人的血液,隨着時間的流逝,他的家族所代表的不可撼動的威望和權利漸漸化爲了泡影,邪惡的馬塞爾(查爾斯·邁克爾·戴維斯 Charles Michael Davis 飾)正在逐步取代克勞斯一族的地位,以他的霸道和強權在新奧爾良稱王稱霸。
  懷揣着各自的目的,克勞斯和伊利亞(丹尼爾·吉里斯 Daniel Gillies 飾)重返新奧爾良,在那裏等待着他們的,不僅僅是宿敵馬塞爾,還有以索菲亞(丹妮艾拉·皮內達 Daniella Pineda 飾)爲首的女巫一族。爲了對抗強悍的馬塞爾,克勞斯等人不得不同索菲亞結成了同盟,然而,這場結盟實質上是一把雙刃劍,在打擊敵人的同時,亦對克勞斯造成了威脅。


Don't make promises you can't keep. 守不住的承諾就別說。

I value my family above everything. 我最珍視的仍是家人。

They say the passage of time will heal all wounds,but the greater the loss,the deeper the cut, and the more difficult the process to become whole again.人們說時間能癒合一切傷口,但是損失越大,傷痕越深,再度變完整就變得愈加困難

Don't make promisses you can't keep. 守不住的承諾就別說。

The pain may fade, but scar serves as a reminder of our suffering, and make the bearer all the more resolved, never to be wounded again. 疼痛感也許會淡去,但傷痕會提醒我們曾經的痛苦,使受傷害者更加下定決定,再也不要受傷。

So as time moves along, we get lost in distractions, act out in frustration, react with aggression, give in to anger. 所以隨着時間流逝,我們迷失在瑣碎的煩心事中,表現出沮喪之情,做出*好鬥的行爲,讓憤怒控制自己。

There is no power in love. Mercy makes you weak. Family makes you weak. If I’mever going to win this war, I have to do it alone. 愛無法給人力量,仁慈讓人軟弱、家人讓人軟弱。我想要贏得這場戰爭,我必須孤身奮戰。

God wasn't powerful because he was was right because he was powerful. 上帝不是因爲有道理才強大,而是因爲她強大了纔有道理。

Even when all seems burnt to ash,in our story,there is always another chapter to be told. 即使一切化爲灰燼,在我們的故事裏,總會有另一篇章被傳頌於世。



Eternity is an awfully long time.永恆是一段很長的時間。