

書籍語錄 閱讀(2.9W)


Do you believe in god?”你相信上帝嗎 "Yes."相信 "How can you?"你怎麼能相信上帝呢 "I can't believe in people. I have to believe in something, or I'd fall. Fall down through the cracks, never stop falling. 因爲我無法相信人類。但我必須得相信一樣東西,不然我會墮落,墜入深淵.......萬劫不復


We don't live alone upon this earth. We are responsible for each earth. And if mankind will not learn that lesson, then the time will come soon, when he will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. Goodnight.

你知道最可怕的是什麼嗎? 我會重蹈覆轍。

聽我說你們所有人我不需要再瞭解什麼了 你也是你們都是她自殺的幫兇 記住不要忘了 已經死了你們再也不會傷害她了 同樣你也不可能幫她什麼 你甚至連說對不起的機會都沒有 世界上還有成千上萬的Eva Smiths and John Smiths這樣的人離開了我們 帶着他們的生命,希望,和恐懼 帶着他們與他人相關的一切悲歡離合 帶着我們的看法言辭所作所爲 我們並非獨自活在世上 我們應該相互負責 要是一個人不懂得這個道理 那他遲早會懂 當他受到火與鮮血以及傷痛的洗禮 晚安


There are millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths still left with us, with their lives and hopes and fears, their suffering and chance of happiness all inter winded with our lives, and what we think, and say, and do.
